Monday, June 17, 2019

Coming to an End

Today I got a text form Cindi checking in to see if I have all the forms I need for certification. I only need one more class. It was such an amazing thing that there was space for me at her studio right when I needed it. Now Valyn is ready to return to her teaching. So this will be it. This is also my very last blog post I need to be certified. I have a few more hours of personal practice, a few more hours of classes to attend, and just a little more yoga philosophy and I can mail everything to Syl and get my certification. It took seven years but now it will be complete.
I am so grateful for what yoga has taught me and what this experience has given me. The biggest benefit would be trusting my own voice. It has given me the ability to speak up and speak out and feel okay with what I am saying. Thank you for that.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

"a couple old men"

Tonight I had the privilege of teaching two men. They are both a little bit older and limited in their movements. It was so lovely to have a class of similar abilities and be able to modify as they needed. We really slowed it down and kept our bodhi flow portion short. After, we really focused on releasing hips and finding balance. When it was all done, one of the men said thanks for adjusting it to fit a couple of old men.

Yoga is for everyone. I will always remember the elderly gentleman at Syl's studio who started yoga at 70, and it gave him his life back. I had never seen such an "old" man so light on his feet and flexible. It is truly amazing what yoga practiced consistently can do for our bodies!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

First time all over again

Tonight I taught my "first" yoga class. Four people came and flowed with me. I had soft music, but I also had a soft voice. I had a hard time trusting in my words so I struggled at projecting my voice. We did the Bodhi Flow one time through than did some balance poses and a natural progression for hip release.  After I chanted no problem projecting with that, they all enjoyed that part. There is much to improve upon but it definitely isn't as hard coming back to teaching as it was the first few times. Got a lot of comments on the new poses we did with hip releases they were excited to learn some new things.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

My sons first taste

Today My husband had taken the day off, So I went to yoga! My oldest asked if he could go with me. This son had been spending the morning sulking and irritated so I was already thinking yoga could do him some good.
At the studio he got lots of comments on how young he was, how brave he was, he was just feeling like leave me alone. He had some struggles with body awareness, but this is super normal for first-time yogi's. But he stayed focused and enjoyed the moment.
When it was all said and done he commented on how great he felt, " mom I don't feel grumpy and angry anymore!" This is one of the great benefits of yoga it allows us to reset and find joy in life.
Cindi asked if I would be willing to chant for the group. I said yes but as I chanted my voice felt scared, this is normal. It gets easier the more you do it. I brought yoga to South Eastern Healing Center, Now I am bringing chant. Om

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Flowing to anothers voice

Tonight I went to Cindi's Veterans Yoga. I ended up being the only one there. This worked out as we were able to talk about logistics of me teaching. We had a good flow together and at the end I asked if I could do a chant. The acoustics in that room are amazing!!! it was so fun to chant again it has been a long time.

Om Namah Shiva Om Nama Shivaya

honors the divine within oneself & others – destroys negativity & replaces with positive

Syl Chanting it
Recognition that God is always with us that we are not separate.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Getting back on the Mat

I have taken a really big break from yoga. I have birthed three more tiny humans and experienced much life.
But I never completed my certification for Bodhi Yoga. So today I paid for an extension and I am working hard to complete the requirements.
This morning I got back on my mat. My whole body is tight and sore, and I have forgotten so much.
I am going to be teaching yoga again at Southeastern Healing Arts Center. Thursdays @5:30
It was quite remarkable how everything came together, I went to get some water and spoke with Cindi briefly. Hey, do you remember me (lol) kind of conversation. The next time I went for water she expressed the need for a teacher to cover for one of their Bodhi Yoga teachers. So now I am teaching until she recovers from surgery. I will let you know how it all goes :)

Monday, May 6, 2019

I fell off the yoga wagon

Over the last six years since I have posted so many things in my life have changed. The most significant change comes with the number five, I am now the mother of five beautiful children. My husband and I have been married for thirteen years and have deepened our relationship and come to a much higher feeling of oneness and peace.

Yoga has flitted in and out of my life over this time. Living in Vernal, I taught yoga for a few months. I practiced yoga off and on by myself, met a few more yoga teachers, and lived life and raised children. Now I am back in Price and once again have the opportunity to teach yoga. When I last wrote I was pregnant with child number three. In the process of this pregnancy and life, I let completing my certification slip to the wayside.

Today I called Syl and discussed what I needed to do to extend my timeframe for completing my certification. All I needed when I quit the first time was seven blog posts. Seems quite silly in looking back. But I know that Heavenly Father has timing in all things. So I will be at peace and embrace the things that are happening now.